"Ruby Slippers," (signature miniature for this blog), 3/4" x 1 3/8", egg tempera on Kelmscott vellum in Venetian glass mosaic frame, available for purchase in my Etsy store

"Amma's Eyes," 1 3/8" x 1 3/4", (eye portrait of Indian Saint Amritanandamayi Ma), in Venetian glass frame, available for purchase at my Etsy store

"Basket of Red Flowers," 3" x 3" in faux-pearled easel frame, available (please use the contact form on my website for purchase info.)

"Mary & Jesus, Aix en Provence Exterior Wall," 1 1/4" x 1 7/8", available, (please use the contact form on my website for purchase info.)

"Pink Lady Pair," 1 3/16" x 7/8" (shown at actual size), (SOLD)

"Kiwi Berry Tart," 1" x 1", (SOLD)
"Pink Star-gazer Lily," 1 1/4" x 1 1/2," (SOLD)
"Angel Be Mine," 1" x 7/8", (donated to Rally for the Cure)
*My thanks to Rick Campbell, my sister Peggy, Mike Campbell, my cousin, Bev Bonge Ganser, and Aunt Betty for their purchases. Thanks also to everyone for your kind compliments on my sale miniatures, including four people I heard from on email this week---Arlynne Miller, Jeff Million, Donald Partyka, and Fred Wessel.
For my nephew Nick who is 21 years old on March 25, Happy Birthday Nick! Can't wait to celebrate with you!