Dear family friends, Donna, David, and Ilda Littell attended the opening (Donna & David are pictured with me here). Ilda brought two enthusiastic friends along, and it was great to see all of them at the show.
Late nite fun at Bon Apetit on Saturday after a lovely party for the artists at Dunedin Fine Art Center. ( l-r) Wes Siegrist, Bill Mundy, Herb Weed, Helen Hause, me, Carol Curtiss, Rachelle Siegrist

The mini-ribbon cutting ceremony officially opens the show, & always brings smiles!

The miniature paintings are displayed in groups on panels that fill two large gallery rooms. This is the panel that holds my three miniatures. Hanging beside each panel is a magnifying
glass with which to admire the detail in each miniature painting. The MASF permanent collection is also on display in a separate corridor adjoining the two gallery rooms.

standing here with five talented artists whose work I admire (see their miniatures via the links on my list at right), l-r, Roz Pierson, Wes and Rachelle Siegrist, Bill Mundy, & Dana Thompson.
Roz and Bill came all the way from England for the festivities.
President Emeritus, Social Chair, and volunteer who never quits, Carol Curtiss, is my dear friend standing with me here.
It is always a great pleasure for me whenever I have the opportunity to go down to Florida for the opening weekend of the Miniature Art Society of Florida show. Here are some photos to provide you a birdseye view of the fabulous time I had there! A special note of thanks to all of you from MASF who work so very hard all year long to make it so special for the artists in attendance!
This year's show includes 823 miniature paintings by 240 participating artists from all over the world. An Iranian artist, Hossen Fallahi, even submitted his five entries on camel bone. It's the traditional Persian surface for miniature painting.