Kathleen and Jason Coy, husband & wife eye portraits shown actual size, 3/4" diameter each, egg tempera on Kelmscott vellum
I ordered this pearled brooch from Nancy Still's MiniArt Supply, because I thought it would be a lovely way to for Kathleen to enjoy wearing either her own eye portrait or her husband's.
Here are the finished eye portraits of friend, artist, and fellow blogger, Kathleen Coy and her husband Jason Coy. They were such great subjects to paint, and such willing participants! These two portraits are my gift for them with my thanks, but if eye portraits are of interest, or if you'd like to commission your own eye portrait, I welcome you to visit my newest blog, Eye Portraits in Miniature, for more information.
Wonderful eye portraits, Mona! I like Jason's blue color. Congratulations on your new blog!
Mona, they are so beautiful, I love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Lovely eye portraits. Love the brooch, too.
Great job Mona and thanks for taking the extra effort to inform everyone on the history of eye minis. Love the brooch you picked out too.
What a wonderfully original idea! Love the eyes and what a personal way to enjoy them. Really cool.
Thanks everyone!
Wes and Rachelle, and for anyone interested, there is actually more detailed info. regarding links to antique eye portraits and their history on my newest blog, "Eye Portraits in Miniature."
Hi Mona,
I've left a reply to your query about knobs on my blog. Have a look. Hope you are well - your blog is so elegant. Yours
thanks Bill!
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