Sunday, July 25, 2010

Getting back into gear

It's been a tough and discouraging summer for me in a number of respects, but I'm at least happy to report that after several weeks of not being able to work in my studio, I'm kicking into painting gear once again.  Expect a post sometime soon on several new miniatures in progress.

Thanks also to those who left kind comments about the return of my missing miniatures.  I wish I knew the story of their journey back to me, but was glad to be able to post a few of these for sale once again.  Those who have followed this blog for a while may recognize a newer version of "Eve and Her Dog"  recently posted on my new portrait blog.  And if you haven't visited my etsy store recently, nine miniatures are also currently listing there for direct purchase online.


Barbara A. Freeman said...

Sorry things have not been working out for you this summer. I am happy to see you back to blogging. I look forward to seeing your new work! I am so happy that your missing minis showed up. Good luck on sales on esty!

Debra Keirce said...

Welcome back Mona! The world is a more beautiful place with you and your art in it!

Mona Diane Conner said...

thanks Barbara and Deb!