lid and bottom of bone basket box, image area is 2 inches in diameter
bone basket box
I'll be posting my rose miniature for sale as soon as it's frame arrives.
Meanwhile, however, I am so excited to try this new challenge---painting a miniature of Giverny gardens on this exquisitely carved bone basket box! Some of you know that in 2007 I had the great experience of visiting Monet's Giverny gardens during tulip time in April. I've had a number of miniature paintings in mind to paint from my experience at Giverny.
Here I'm experimenting with the best way to try egg tempera on this smooth bone surface, very like ivory, but when I reached this point above, I realized my medium was not adequately absorbed and secured on the bare surface itself, so I am recording this try and wiping it off in order to apply a hide-glue-based ground on which I can paint with egg tempera more successfully. I may seal it all with liquin upon completion; I may add some oil paint highlights on top. I'd like to try adding gold leaf to the inner rim around box lid too. We'll see. It will take a bit of extra patience, but that is what miniature painting is all about, and I'll post my progress with this tiny landscape as it develops.